Friday, December 3, 2010
Second Week of Advent
1) Our Eastern Greece/Charlotte Penance Service will be hosted by Holy Cross Church on Sunday, December 19, at 3:00 PM. This year, the Penance Service will be more family oriented. Father Tom Wheeland will lead an adult and young adult Service in the Church proper. Our own Father Mark will conduct a special children’s program in the Parish Center. Individual Confessions will be available to all who have celebrated the Sacrament of Penance. I encourage our parishioners to prepare for the joy of Christmas by celebrating with us at this Family Penance Service.
2) David Tedesche, our seminarian in residence, conducted recently an 8-week Adult Education program, exploring the history and spirituality of the Fathers of our Church. Wherever I traveled in Greece and met folks who attended these adult learning sessions, I received positive and complimentary comments on the sessions. From my perspective, David is a skilled teacher and a budding scholar. I am grateful that he is sharing generously his talents with us. Starting in mid-January, David will be offering a series of adult learning sessions on the historical development of the Liturgy and the spirituality of the Eucharist as the source and summit of the life and mission of the Church. As more particulars develop regarding the day and time of the sessions, David will share them in the bulletin and on fliers. This will be such a timely opportunity to deepen one’s knowledge of the Eucharist as we prepare to welcome the new Roman Missal in Advent 2011.
3) Recently, I came across an excerpt from Pope Benedict XVI encyclical letter, Deus Caritas Est, that reminded me of the importance of participating in our Annual Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA). Pope Benedict wrote:
“Love for widows and orphans, prisoners, and the sick and needy of every kind, is as essential to her (the Church) as the ministry of the sacraments and the preaching of the Gospel. The Church cannot neglect the service of charity any more than she can neglect the sacraments and the Word.”
Once again, I encourage parishioners who have not yet participated in the CMA, to please do so. Your contribution is an authentic realization of the Holy Father’s teaching of the importance of charity in our Christian life. To participate is simple. Fill out the CMA card designating your contribution and place it in the collection basket at the time of the Offertory. Your gift, an expression of charity and gratitude, will strengthen our witness to Love-made-flesh. I am grateful to all who have already participated and helped us to realize $65,869 of our fair share giving with the target of $82,461.
During this Second Advent Week, wait patiently. Pray frequently. Do not drink and drive.
Father John
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Gratitude at Thanksgiving...
In that experience my spirit moves to express gratitude. In giving voice to my gratitude in prayer and to others, I realize in a fresh way that the God and Father of Jesus, is a God who deeply cares for all with an abiding love.
I encourage us to approach this week of Thanksgiving as a God-given opportunity to renew our own practice and commitment to be a person of gratitude. I also take this occasion to say “thank you” to all our parishioners for your witness to the Faith, your care for others, and your generous spirit.
I find it appropriate that as we approach Thanksgiving, this time to pause and remember God’s blessings to us that we also remember that it is a blessing to give thanks through our acts of generosity. I am sensitive to the reality that any one of us could be tempted by our own financial fears and anxieties not to participate in the Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA). If that is the case, I ask that we remember that God’s goodness is greater than any fear or anxiety.
I ask again to those who have not yet participated in the CMA to please consider “Letting your light shine” by supporting the CMA this year. Make your commitment today and join the growing number of parishioners who believe that by working together and sharing our gifts does make a difference. Remember, we are a People of Faith, a People of Gratitude; and that our faith in Jesus Christ makes a difference.
As of this writing we have 416 donors who have pledged $61,089 towards our goal of $82,461. We are now $21,372 shy of our goal. We can accomplish our appeal with the participation of all parishioners. I ask for your help.
Also, I ask that we remember that each donation will help the parish financially. Any parish that doesn’t reach their goal will have to draw from their own general operating funds to meet their goal. So by contributing to the CMA, you are also helping out our own parish.
In closing, I express my gratitude to all our parishioners for your steadfast generosity to Saint Charles Borromeo parish and the mission of our greater Church. I pray that you have a peaceful Thanksgiving. Enjoy. Give thanks in prayer and to others. Remember not to drink and drive.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Looking From The Outside In...
I am delighted to share with you the Vision Statement that has been emerging from their long hours of study and discussion at Council meetings and between Council meetings. I present the Statement to you as a way to seek your input and comments. You will notice that it is written in the first person as a way to emphasize the need for all parishioners to take responsibility for its fulfillment.
Father Mark and I welcome your comments in person, by e-mail (; or on the blog-site (
Just as your voice has been instrumental through your participation in the US Congregational Survey to initiate this Statement, your voice is critical in finalizing the work.
- It is my vision that St. Charles Borromeo (SCB) offers welcome to all who seek a deeper friendship (relationship) with the living God through the Roman Catholic Tradition;
- It is my vision that all parishioners are treated with respect and dignity and are accepted for their gifts and limitations;
- It is my vision that (all) the ministries of SCB, especially the liturgical ones, encourage and afford opportunities for active participation in all our liturgical services;
- It is my vision that our parishioners know one another by name and gather joyfully for (worship) prayer, support, learning, and social activities;
- It is my vision that we honor the senior members of our faith Community, by encouraging and offering opportunities for them to share their experiences, strengths, and hopes to our younger families;
- It is my vision that our friendship with the living God is deepened with SCB encouraging and offering opportunities for study, reflection, and action. To this end, I envision the former school building being designated as a MINISTRY CENTER that also houses the ministerial staff offices;
- It is my vision that SCB take a leadership role in reaching out and evangelizing in the Eastern Greece/Charlotte (EG/C) wider community;
- It is my vision that we offer to eligible parishioners a formation program in order to be involved in SCB parish ministry as a volunteer;
- It is my vision that we encourage our young men and their families, through planned activities, to consider a vocation to the ministerial priesthood;
- It is my vision to have a vibrant Youth Ministry that offers opportunities for all youth to become acquainted with the Christian life in the EG/C wider community;
- It is my vision that SCB collaborate wherever possible with the other Christian Communities in our area to offer Christian human services.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
It's Simple...Yet Not Always Easy
When I speak or write it, it sounds easy. Yet I know that some days it can be difficult to practice it. What do we do on the difficult days? I can share from my own experiences.
Firstly, I admit to God, to another, and to myself that it is difficult on a particular day to be silent, to listen, or to surrender. There is no sense in pretending that it is otherwise. Admitting it helps one to realize the need to ask for the grace to practice silence, listening, and surrendering. The difficulty can stem from external circumstances that grab our attention as well as internal distractions that draw us out of the present moment.
Secondly, I remind myself that it is foolish for me to put on God my timeline for Him to “fix”, resolve, or remove my difficulties before I pray. How easy it is for any one of us to forget that we are the created ones. One’s difficulties can be the very “stuff” of our prayer to discover God’s voice. It can also be a moment for us to grow deeper in trust that God knows us and will give to us all that we need for that day.
Finally, I just do it; I strive to practice silence, listening, and surrendering. For me, on the difficult days, it confronts my ego to do things perfectly. Yet this is the time when I need to trust that my human efforts are about progress. Perfection will need to wait another day.
Our life as followers of Jesus, as Christians, is a daily journey that we make together. It is true that some days appear easier than others to listen to the voice of God and to surrender our will and lives. However, what does not change is God’s willingness and desire to stand with us regardless of ease or difficulties. As Scripture reminds us we are God’s People, and He is our God.
And what a gift it is to belong to the Christian community. For it is here that we are nourished with the Bread of Life, strengthened by the witness of others, and grow closer into the image and likeness of our God.
I pray that all of us have a peaceful week of silence, listening, and surrendering.
Fr. John
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Ascension Thursday
Yesterday, the people who work at the various parishes in the diocese gathered for our annual "Ministerium Day." The theme was What on Earth is Discipleship? The speaker was a priest from Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. His talk was very good, and reminded us that our mission as disciples comes from God. God's mission for us is to be followers of Christ who strive to reach our fullest potential. Christ came to enhance our basic human capacity.
In the process of striving to live out God's mission our ego might take over; "I know what God wants me to do!" And we move ahead without checking with God to make sure this is what he is calling us to do. A good reminder that we need to always stay connected with God even when the temptation is there to move the mission in our own direction.
Sometimes, we limit ourselves in the way we live out our call to be a part of God's mission. The speaker yesterday shared with us a Prayer of Sir Francis Drake titled Disturb Us, Lord:
Disturb us, Lord, when We are too well pleased with ourselves,
When our dreams have come true
Because we have dreamed too little,
When we arrived safely
Because we sailed too close to the shore.
Disturb us, Lord, when
With the abundance of things we possess
We have lost our thirst
For the waters of life;
Having fallen in love with life,
We have ceased to dream of eternity
And in our efforts to build a new earth,
We have allowed our vision
Of the new Heaven to dim.
Disturb us, Lord, to dare more boldly,
To venture on wider seas
Where storms will show your mastery;
Where losing sight of land,
We shall find the stars.
We ask You to push back
The horizons of our hopes;
And to push into the future
In strength, courage, hope, and love.
Our Lord had to ascend to heaven to return to God so that the Holy Spirit could come and move us more deeply into the mission that Christ began here on earth. We are called to be witnesses to that mission, to be faithful to our call as mission-ers of the Good News. We are reminded that we are limited in our vision and must turn to God to move us beyond the ways that we limit ourselves and others. God has the wider vision, not us. We need to be disturbed by God so that we don't become complacent, hard-hearted, hopeless.
May the ascension of our Lord make room in our hearts for a wider and deeper love for God and others that moves us into a future filled with hope, life and love. May we always strive, with the help of God, to live our lives to our fullest potential!
Fr. Mark
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Goals for the Parish
I am referring to this past week’s Parish Council meeting. For the last few months the members having been studying, digesting, and summarizing the survey results from our parish-wide survey conducted when I first arrived. Three goals appear to have emerged:
- Strengthening our Sense of Belonging
- Finding Ways to Share our Faith with New Members
- Looking to our Future with Hope and Excitement
With each goal the Council members have begun to enumerate steps to accomplish them.
I admire the Parish Council members’ commitment to our parish to deepen our rich history of being a vibrant faith community. In the near future the Council will being sharing their work with the Community to involve even greater input as to the ways we can live faithfully our mission.
In the meantime, if you have input/opinions regarding the above goals, please respond to this blog with your feedback. I’d be happy to read your comments.
Fr. John
Monday, April 5, 2010
An Easter Revolution
Do you know what the word "revolution" means? It means "an instance of great change in affairs." To be revolutionized is "to change a thing completely and fundamentally." As Easter people, we have been revolutionized by Christ's resurrection from the dead! We have been changed forever!
Yet, how often do we go back to our old eating habits? In Jamie Oliver's show, he did a demonstration with a group of 6 years old. He showed them the parts of a chicken that we eat, and then took the carcass and put it in a food processor to show them how chicken nuggets are made. It was quite disgusting! Yet, when asked if they wanted chicken nuggets, all the children raised their hands!
Do we find that we continue to feed on old nuggets of death and destruction that cannot give us anything of value? In fact, they are bad for our spiritual health. The old nuggets of sinfulness, despair, anger, hopelessness only lead us to an unhealthy way of living in Christ.
We have been revolutionized by Christ. We have been given healthy, wholesome, life-giving food in the very Body and Blood of Christ. There's a diet we can all feed on that will make us healthy! Feed on this food, not old nuggets. It's time for us, in this season of Easter, to stop feeding on over-processed nuggets and start feeding on the very life and love of God through our Risen Lord, Jesus Christ. May we be revolutionized this Easter! Alleluia!
Fr. Mark
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Alleluia! Jesus Christ is Risen!
As earthen vessels, we hold the precious treasures of new life and faith. The new life in Jesus Christ has been given to us through the living waters of baptism; and faith that offers our lives meaning and purpose. Both are gifts from God who did not spare His only Son to show us the depth of His commitment and love for us.
As we celebrate these gifts during this Easter Season we are called to be messengers of God’s peace, forgiveness, and hope. Each day we have opportunities to carry this message to others in our homes, work places, schools, and neighborhoods. We can rely on God to give us the courage and strength to persevere in this mission. Together, as God’s people, we can also encourage and nurture one another by our acts of love and acts of service.
On behalf of our entire staff, I wish all the people of our faith community a Blessed Easter. I pray that our Risen Lord will continue to touch your hearts with peace, joy, and love. Celebrate well. Rejoice heartily. Be faithful stewards of the Easter Alleluia!
Father John
Monday, March 29, 2010
Extravagant Love
How many of us would be so extravagant with a loved one? How about with someone we like? How about with someone we don't even know? Love does not nicely calculate the cost. Love gives its all, and its only regret is that it still has not more to give.
It is quite fitting that we remember on this Monday of Holy Week the love of God given to us through the sacrifice of his son. It is extravagant! It goes beyond the comprehension of human understanding, beyond reason. God's love for us goes to great depths and humility to lift us up beyond our sinfulness and limitations.
The gospel reminds us as well that the "house was filled with the fragrance of the oil." Do you smell the fragrance of God's sacrificial love poured over you this week? That fragrance should remind us how far God is willing to go to find us, to redeem us and to love us. May the fragrance of God's eternal and unconditional love permeate your entire being during this Holy Week.
Fr. Mark
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Learn to Listen. Listen to Learn.
1). Listening is different than mere hearing. Listening requires that I am present to the person that I am hearing. It means that as I strive to focus on the person speaking, I refrain from jumping to conclusions, fast-tracking their thoughts, and formulating my response before they are finished speaking. A good rule of thumb for me to check on my being present to another is to be attentive to the urge to interrupt others as they speak.
2). Listening is a practice of patience. It challenges me to slow down, and to keep my own agenda in right-size proportion. Each person has her/his perspective on life from their own experiences. To listen to them is a chance to deepen my own understanding and learning about the mystery of life. It reminds me that I don’t have the final say on life. Patient listening doesn’t always mean that I agree with what I hear yet I am called to offer respect to the person. As I remind myself to practice patient listening it also helps me to be respectful.
3). Listening requires perseverance. The skill of listening takes time, practice, and commitment. I wish I could say that I have mastered it. Yet I know that I am better than I was at it and still need to keep learning. Each person that speaks to me is an occasion to listen with attentiveness, patience, and respect.
This is the posture that Scripture presents of Jesus and his interactions with others. In his listening others had a sense that they were heard and respected. Jesus also spoke the Truth in this same spirit of listening. As we know, some only heard His words while others listened to them. Those who listened were filled with the Spirit and Truth.
As we move towards the closing days of Lent I encourage us to reflect on our listening skills. Am I merely hearing words or am I listening with attentiveness, patience, and perseverance? To my family? To my friends? To my inner self? To my God?
Father John
Friday, March 12, 2010
Remembering my mother...
"Nothing can make up for the absence of someone whom we love. And it Would be wrong to find a substitute -- we must simply hold out and see it through. That sounds very hard at first, but at the same time it is a great consolation, for the gap as long as it remains unfulfilled preserves the bond between us. It is nonsense to say that God fills the gap. God doesn't. On the contrary, God keeps it empty. And so, helps keep alive our former communion with each other, even at the cost of pain."
Yesterday, March 11, was the 7th anniversary of my mother’s death. Each year it brings with it all kinds of emotions….from the joy of remembering a particularly happy memory to the depths of sorrow and grief. I did miss her terribly yesterday.
But each year I am reminded of this quote. To remember that the depth of grief is just as deep as the love that we shared. When we love another person, whether that be a parent, a child, a spouse, a friend, we take the risk of losing them, even to death. We love hoping that the physical presence will always be there. But, in reality we know that that is not true. Death does come and we become separated physically.
I am reminded each year on her anniversary how even though she is gone from time and space, she lives on in eternity. Her spirit, the very life that God gave her, lives on. So, the gap, that empty space that lives in me because of her physical absence, remains open and wounded. It hurts. But, I cannot and will not fill it with anything or anyone else because that space is sacred…it is reserved for my mother, her life, her spirit, and her love.
This is true for all of us, especially when we need God. In the empty space that is filled with hurt and pain, we are called to allow the very life and spirit of God to come and fill it with peace, life, and love. This allows us to keep the communion alive that we share with each other, with our loved ones who have gone on to eternal life, and with our loving and faithful God.
Fr. Mark
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Lenten "Pit Stop"
Reflecting, willingness, and attending are the action steps for our journey of Lent. Some days I find taking these steps more difficult than others. And I am learning to say that “that’s OK.” Just because they are not as smooth as I expect doesn’t imply that they are less worthy of pursuing. You and I can continue to learn about ourselves-in-relationship-with-God-and-others even in our moments of hesitancy or resistance.
My word of encouragement is that wherever we find ourselves on the journey during these days of Lent, God is right there with us. God reminds us that the journey is about living our lives as faithful as we are able to His Word. One day at a time. Striving for progress and loving as God loves us.
Father John
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
In today's gospel reading from Matthew, Peter asks Jesus "If my brother sins against me, how often must I forgive him? As many as seven times? Jesus then launches into a parable about the Kingdom of heaven. We read the story of the king who wants to settle accounts with his servants. The servants are called in to pay their debt to the king. In this account, the first servant is unable to pay his debt and is reduced to asking for compassion and patience. The King feels compassion for him and forgives his debt.
Immediately after, the servant comes upon a fellow servant who is indebted to him. Yet, he offers no forgiveness and treats him harshly. Does this first servant not see that this fellow servant is his doppelganger, his look-alike?? That was him 2 minutes ago!! Did he not even allow the gift of forgiveness to seep into his own being and transform him? I guess not, or else he would have noticed himself in the fellow servant and offered that gift to him as well.
Do we see our doppelgangers in the people that we meet on a daily basis? Do we see them in the people whom we are unable to forgive? Do we see ourselves in them?
This week our Lenten theme is Vigilance. We are encouraged to discard the possessions that get in the way of our being able to see and experience the very life and presence of God. How about the possession of forgiveness? Are we able to give that away so that, in the process of forgiving another we experience a greater presence of God? Seeing the other as a doppelganger, an image of ourselves may help us offer the very thing to them that may be needed for their liberation and our liberation. God offers us forgiveness to liberate us. Can we do the same to our look-alike to be liberated and to liberate us as well?
Fr. Mark
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Practice what you preach....and who you are
During this season of Lent here at St. Charles, we are Pledging Lent Together. We follow a theme through the week to use during our prayer time. This week's theme is Transfiguration. We are encouraged to sit with something beautiful. Why not sit with the very word of God. The gospel reading reminds us that what we are to practice what we preach. These are good words for us to ponder, to sit with, and to be transformed by. Do we practice what we preach?
Practicing what we preach, I believe, is not just about an external action that corresponds with our words. It is about a deep reality that comes from God and is planted within us. It is God's very word within us that gives us life. And from that life comes a corresponding action. Our actions come from the very life of God. Our practices come from our being attentive to God in his word proclaimed, allowing it to seep deep within us, transform us, and move us to activity that manifests the very life of God in our community and world. We practice, we act because we are inspired and loved by God.
Sit with something beautiful today...God's word...and be transfigured.
Fr. Mark