Thursday, November 18, 2010

Gratitude at Thanksgiving...

During this week of Thanksgiving, I am reminded once again of the importance to practice gratitude in my daily living. For me, the grace of gratitude comes when I take the time daily to recount the many ways that God has touched me with love and care. A word of encouragement, the attentive listening of a friend or colleague, a moment of humor, a brisk walk on a Fall day, witnessing the generosity of others, are all ways that I have experienced the blessing of God.
In that experience my spirit moves to express gratitude. In giving voice to my gratitude in prayer and to others, I realize in a fresh way that the God and Father of Jesus, is a God who deeply cares for all with an abiding love.

I encourage us to approach this week of Thanksgiving as a God-given opportunity to renew our own practice and commitment to be a person of gratitude. I also take this occasion to say “thank you” to all our parishioners for your witness to the Faith, your care for others, and your generous spirit.

I find it appropriate that as we approach Thanksgiving, this time to pause and remember God’s blessings to us that we also remember that it is a blessing to give thanks through our acts of generosity. I am sensitive to the reality that any one of us could be tempted by our own financial fears and anxieties not to participate in the Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA). If that is the case, I ask that we remember that God’s goodness is greater than any fear or anxiety.

I ask again to those who have not yet participated in the CMA to please consider “Letting your light shine” by supporting the CMA this year. Make your commitment today and join the growing number of parishioners who believe that by working together and sharing our gifts does make a difference. Remember, we are a People of Faith, a People of Gratitude; and that our faith in Jesus Christ makes a difference.

As of this writing we have 416 donors who have pledged $61,089 towards our goal of $82,461. We are now $21,372 shy of our goal. We can accomplish our appeal with the participation of all parishioners. I ask for your help.

Also, I ask that we remember that each donation will help the parish financially. Any parish that doesn’t reach their goal will have to draw from their own general operating funds to meet their goal. So by contributing to the CMA, you are also helping out our own parish.

In closing, I express my gratitude to all our parishioners for your steadfast generosity to Saint Charles Borromeo parish and the mission of our greater Church. I pray that you have a peaceful Thanksgiving. Enjoy. Give thanks in prayer and to others. Remember not to drink and drive.